AJ Petitti

AJ Petitti demonstrates the proper way to plant

AJ's tips to get your lawn and garden through dry summer

Foolproof Perennial Tips from AJ Petitti

Driving Cleveland: AJ Petitti - President, Petitti Garden Centers

Want a successful veggie garden? AJ Petitti spells out #1 step

Freshen up your home with houseplants -- AJ Petitti explains how

Dig This: Houseplant Help from AJ Petitti

Planting new shrubs? AJ Petitti shows you the steps for success

AJ Petitti shows you how to transition your yard from summer to fall

AJ Petitti explains why a butterfly garden is so much more than just a pretty flowerbed

Freshen up your home decor - AJ Petitti has some colorful ideas

It's time to WAKE UP the lawn according to AJ Petitti

Dig This: AJ Petitti tackles common garden issues

AJ Petitti explains what the #1 key ingredient is for a successful garden

AJ Petitti shows you how to transition your yard from summer to fall

AJ Petitti spells out how to protect perennials from deer browsing

Fox 8 Viewers have questions & AJ Petitti has the answers

Summer rains taking a toll on your yard? AJ Petitti comes to the rescue

AJ Petitti's tips for putting your garden to bed for winter

Dig This: Hydrangea Help from AJ Petitti

AJ Petitti's tips for 'seed starting' success

Dig This: Shady Yard? No problem - AJ Petitti's got you covered

AJ Petitti explains the different watering needs between flower beds and container gardens

AJ Petitti explains what you should be doing right now to get your garden ready to plant